We use Stripe, the best way to accept payments and donations online.

Stripe lets you stay in control of your donations. We provide the tools, while donations go directly to you.

What is Stripe?

Stripe is a service that makes it easy to accept payments online. Signing up for a Stripe account means you can start accepting payments in just a few minutes.

Stripe provide a service called ‘Connect’ which lets you connect your Stripe account to Echoleft, so you can use our website, but donations are still sent straight to you. Every transaction shows up in your control panel (they're available in Echoleft and Stripe) for you to view or administer for example updating amounts or issuing refunds.

How does it work?

1. Register as a charity with Echoleft.

2. In your control panel, click the ‘Connect With Stripe’ button.

3. Follow the instruction to create your Stripe account (or connect your existing account).

4. That's it. You're ready to start accepting donations.

Do we need a Stripe account to use Echoleft?

You can sign up as a charity without an account, but we will ask you to create an account before you can start accepting donations or processing event registration fees.

You can also sign up for a Stripe account in advance if you'd like to invesigate their service before committing to it. Setting up a Stripe account is free. You can get in touch with us if you have any questions about doing this.

We already have a Stripe account, can we use that?

Yes. It's easy to use an existing account, or set up a new one when you're connecting your Stripe account to Echoleft.

Does Stripe charge a fee?

Yes. Stripe fees are available at https://stripe.com/gb/pricing. Stripe fees are clearly labelled in your Stripe account and we believe that they are amongst the most competitive in the market.

Is Stripe safe?

Yes. Stripe is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1, the most stringent level of certification. Two-factor authentication is available, along with a host of additional technical security features.